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Allison Transmission 9.2 :

Программа дилерской диагностики систем управления автоматическими коробками производства Allison. Многоязыковый интерфейс, русский присутствует. Имеет встроенные мануалы по устройству коробок и систем управления ими и руководства по поиску неисправностей.
Для реальной работы требуется диагностический интерфейс, совместимый с RP1210 и поддерживающий работу по протоколам J1850, J1708/J1587, J1939 и ATEC. Такой например, как Nexiq USB-Link либо Dearborn DPA-IV+. Драйверы для интерфейсов приложены.

Allison DOC(TM) (Diagnostic Optimized Connection) For PC - Service Tool

New Features and Enhancements included in V8.3.0
The Allison DOC™ For PC – Service Tool V8.3.0 update includes the following enhancements:
 Updates the TRANSHEALTH™ Report feature logic to allow a TRANSHEALTH™ Report for all MY09
software levels
 Updates the connection logic so CEC2 transmission no longer connects when 1000/2000 or 3000/40000 Product
Families transmission type is selected
 Updates the Allison Transmission calculator to the latest version
 Updates the range labels for the Load-Based Shift Scheduling Economy Mode index
 Updates strip chart to save selected colors with a saved strip chart list file
 Updates utility to successfully playback snapshot files from foreign languages
 Updates strip chart to successfully print bookmarks and triggers
 Updates Data Monitor for MY06-08 1000/2000 product family to include PCS 1 Commanded Pressure

FEATURE LIST for Version 8.0.0 for Dec 18, 2008

1 ) Monitoring of 1K/2K and 3K/4K 4th Generation Controls.
2 ) Monitoring of CEC2 Electronic Control Unit (ECU) data.
3 ) Monitoring of CEC (On-highway and Off-highway) Electronic Control Unit (ECU) data.
4 ) Monitoring of World Transmission Electronic Control (WTEC) II/III Electronic
Control Unit (ECU) data.
5 ) TAC Data Collection capability for WTEC III ECUs.
6 ) Monitoring of 1000/2000/2400 Series Transmission Control Module (TCM) data.
7 ) Display of multiple transmission parameters and Diagnostic Trouble Codes.
8 ) Display of Failure Records.
9 ) A graphic display of limited data using analog and digital gauges.
10 ) Reprogramming of ECU or TCM settings.
11 ) Ability to activate/reset tests and tranmission capabilities (clutch
test, solenoid test, adaptive shifts, throttle calibration, etc.)
12 ) Recording of vehicle data bus information into snapshot sessions.
13 ) Display of vehicle data bus traffic.
14 ) E-mailing of snapshots along with optional comments.
15 ) Ability to Export snapshots to a comma-delimited file (4th Gen Controls only).
16 ) Ability to create/display/print diagnostic reports.
17 ) Access to transmission Troubleshooting Manuals, including context-sensitive links.
18 ) Integrated help with video-based training materials.
19 ) The ability to launch TCM Reflash when installed.
20 ) Automated application updates.
21 ) Access to Service Information Letters via the Allison Transmission web site.
22 ) Ability to monitor TRANSHEALTH(TM) status and to generate and display TRANSHEALTH(TM)
23 ) Display of vehicle prognostics information, when supported by a 4th Generation TCM.
24 ) Language support for English, French, Japanese, Spanish, Russian, German, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean.

- You must have administrative privileges to install and uninstall this program.
- On Windows Vista you must have administrative privileges to run the program and UAC
must be disabled.
- Allison DOC (TM) requires (and automatically installs) Adobe Acrobat Reader V7.0.
If you have previous versions of Adobe Reader on your PC, you should uninstall
those versions prior to running the Allison DOC (TM) installation program.

1 ) Insert installation CD into CD-ROM Drive.
2 ) If installation process does not begin momentarily, Select "Start"->"Settings"->"Control Panel"
from the "Start" menu on the task bar.
3 ) From the Control Panel select "Add/Remove Programs".
4 ) Select "Install" on the Add/Remove Programs Properties Dialog.
5 ) Select "Next".
6 ) Do NOT reboot/restart if prompted by Adobe Reader installation or Windows Media Player

1 ) Some 'Help' sections of 'Allison DOC (TM)' require
'Adobe Reader'. Adobe Reader version 7.0 is automatically installed if needed.
2 ) NEXIQ Universal drivers version 1.0 are located on this CD in the "NEXIQ Universal Drivers" folder.
Run "setup.exe" to install the drivers.
3 ) NEXIQ USB-Link drivers version 5.4 are located on this CD in the "NEXIQ USB-Link v5.4" folder.
Run "USB-Link5.4.exe" to install the drivers. NEXIQ Universal drivers are not needed for the USB-Link.
4 ) The DLA 2.2.6 drivers are located on this CD in the "Noregon DLA 2.2.6" folder. Run "setup.exe"
to install the drivers.
5 ) The Noregon USB DLA v1.7 drivers are located on this CD in the "Noregon USB DLA v1.7.0.0" folder.
Run "Noregon_USB_DLA_Driver_1.7.0.0.exe" to install the drivers.
6 ) The Noregon RP1210A API Version drivers are located on this CD in the "Noregon RP1210A API"
folder. Run "setup.exe" to install the drivers.
7 ) The DPAIV drivers are located on this CD in the "DPAIV Drivers" folder. The DPAIV drivers are
automatically installed with the application.
8 ) The Noregon Softing RP1210A API is automatically installed with the application. To use a Softing
device with the application, you must install the device drivers and copy the "can*.dll"
('*' is based on the particular device being used) to the Windows folder.


Allison DOC™ For PC – Service Tool V8.0.0 has only been tested and
validated on PCs with the following configurations:
o Microsoft® Windows XP® Professional, Windows 2000® (SP4 or later)
Professional, and Windows Vista® Home Basic (or better)

Note: In order to install and run Allison DOC™ For PC – Service Tool
V8.0.0 on Windows Vista®, the user must have full administrator
privileges, and must have the User Account Control feature turned

o 20 GB Hard Drive, (40 GB or greater recommended)
o 600 MB free hard drive space required to install the program (after
software installation, the operating system requires sufficient free
hard disk space to run the program)
o 1GHz (or greater) 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
o 512MB of RAM system memory (1GB recommended)
o One available USB port—USB 1.1 (USB 2.0 recommended)
o A serial port is required if connecting legacy CEC1 controllers, or
if using the J 44652-A - SPX J1850-VPW (Class 2) translator device
o 16x CD-ROM, (48x or greater recommended)
o Full administrative privileges are required to install, use, and
update the Allison DOC™ For PC–Service Tool
o Internet connection capability (Internet Explorer® 5.0.1 or greater)
(NOTE: A broadband internet connection is recommended for receiving
updates and file downloads)
o Adobe® Acrobat Reader® is installed by default

Error messages, sudden disconnections, and poor performance are some of
the results users will experience if Allison DOC™ For PC – Service Tool
V8.0.0 is installed on PCs that do not meet one or more of the above

Translator Device Support:
o For B&B J1708D15 - Noregon RP1210A API version V2.5.2.0 or better.
o For Noregon DLA - V2.2.6 drivers or better; V2.2 firmware.
o For Noregon USB DLA - V1.7 drivers or better; V1.11 firmware.
o For Magikey PDM - NEXIQ Universal drivers V1.0 or better.
o For NEXIQ USB-Link - NEXIQ USB-Link V5.4 or better.
o For Dearborn DPAIV - Drivers are automatically installed with the application.
o For SPX AT1J1850 - no drivers are required.


50 USD


(Нажмите на маленькую картинку, большая откроется в новом окне)

Нажмите для просмотра, большая картинка откроется в новом окне. Нажмите для просмотра, большая картинка откроется в новом окне. Нажмите для просмотра, большая картинка откроется в новом окне. Нажмите для просмотра, большая картинка откроется в новом окне.

Замеченные конфликты в электронном каталоге Allison Transmission 9.2:

Конфликтов не замечено

 Для какого рынка каталог:   Все регионы
 Доступные в программе языки:  Английский, Венгерский, Голландский, Датский, Испанский, Итальянский, Китайский, Мексиканский, Немецкий, Норвежский, Польский, Русский, Турецкий, Французский, Чешский, Шведский, Японский
 Поддерживаемые операционные системы:  Vista, Win7 x32, Win98, Windows 8/10 x64, WinJapan, WinNT, WinXP
 Количество CD/DVD:  1 DVD
 Дата обновления данных:  11/2011
 ЦЕНА:  50 USD

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